Spring Boot Admin Server
Running Behind a Front-end Proxy Server
In case the Spring Boot Admin server is running behind a reverse proxy, it may be requried to configure the public url where the server is reachable via (spring.boot.admin.ui.public-url
). In addition when the reverse proxy terminates the https connection, it may be necessary to configure server.forward-headers-strategy=native
(also see Spring Boot Reference Guide).
Configuration Options
Property name | Description | Default value |
spring.boot.admin.server.enabled |
Enables the Spring Boot Admin Server. |
spring.boot.admin.context-path |
The context-path prefixes the path where the Admin Server’s statics assets and API should be served. Relative to the Dispatcher-Servlet. |
spring.boot.admin.monitor.status-interval |
Time interval to check the status of instances. |
10,000ms |
spring.boot.admin.monitor.status-lifetime |
Lifetime of status. The status won’t be updated as long the last status isn’t expired. |
10,000ms |
spring.boot.admin.monitor.info-interval |
Time interval to check the info of instances. |
1m |
spring.boot.admin.monitor.info-lifetime |
Lifetime of info. The info won’t be updated as long the last info isn’t expired. |
1m |
spring.boot.admin.monitor.default-timeout |
Default timeout when making requests. Individual values for specific endpoints can be overridden using |
10,000 |
spring.boot.admin.monitor.timeout.* |
Key-Value-Pairs with the timeout per endpointId. Defaults to default-timeout. |
spring.boot.admin.monitor.default-retries |
Default number of retries for failed requests. Modifying requests ( |
0 |
spring.boot.admin.monitor.retries.* |
Key-Value-Pairs with the number of retries per endpointId. Defaults to default-retries. Modifying requests ( |
spring.boot.admin.metadata-keys-to-sanitize |
Metadata values for the keys matching these regex patterns will be sanitized in all json output. |
spring.boot.admin.probed-endpoints |
For Spring Boot 1.x client applications SBA probes for the specified endpoints using an OPTIONS request. If the path differs from the id you can specify this as id:path (e.g. health:ping).. |
spring.boot.admin.instance-auth.enabled |
Enable pulling credentials from spring configuration properties |
spring.boot.admin.instance-auth.default-user-name |
A default user name used to authenticate to registered services. The |
spring.boot.admin.instance-auth.default-password |
A default user password used to authenticate to registered services. The |
spring.boot.admin.instance-auth.service-map.*.user-name |
A user name used to authenticate to the registered service with the specified name. The |
spring.boot.admin.instance-auth.service-map.*.user-password |
A user password used to authenticate to the registered service with the specified name. The |
spring.boot.admin.instance-proxy.ignored-headers |
Headers not to be forwarded when making requests to clients. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.public-url |
Base url to use to build the base href in the ui. |
If running behind a reverse proxy (using path rewriting) this can be used to make correct self references. If the host/port is omitted it will be inferred from the request. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.brand |
Brand to be shown in the navbar. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.title |
Page-Title to be shown. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.login-icon |
Icon used as image on login page. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.favicon |
Icon used as default favicon and icon for desktop notifications. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.favicon-danger |
Icon used as favicon when one or more service is down and for desktop notifications. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.remember-me-enabled |
Switch to show/hide the remember-me checkbox on the login page. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.cache |
Polling duration in ms to fetch new cache data. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.datasource |
Polling duration in ms to fetch new datasource data. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.gc |
Polling duration in ms to fetch new gc data. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.process |
Polling duration in ms to fetch new process data. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.memory |
Polling duration in ms to fetch new memory data. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.threads |
Polling duration in ms to fetch new threads data. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.logfile |
Polling duration in ms to fetch new logfile data. |
spring.boot.admin.ui.enable-toasts |
Allows to enable toast notifications. |
Spring Cloud Discovery
The Spring Boot Admin Server can use Spring Clouds DiscoveryClient
to discover applications. The advantage is that the clients don’t have to include the spring-boot-admin-starter-client
. You just have to add a DiscoveryClient
implementation to your admin server - everything else is done by AutoConfiguration.
Static Configuration using SimpleDiscoveryClient
Spring Cloud provides a SimpleDiscoveryClient
. It allows you to specify client applications via static configuration:
- uri: http://instance1.intern:8080
management.context-path: /actuator
- uri: http://instance2.intern:8080
management.context-path: /actuator
Other DiscoveryClients
Spring Boot Admin supports all other implementations of Spring Cloud’s DiscoveryClient
(Eureka, Zookeeper, Consul, Kubernetes, …). You need to add it to the Spring Boot Admin Server and configure it properly. An example setup using Eureka is shown above.
Converting ServiceInstances
The information from the service registry are converted by the ServiceInstanceConverter
. Spring Boot Admin ships with a default and Eureka converter implementation. The correct one is selected by AutoConfiguration.
You can modify how the information from the registry is used to register the application by using SBA Server configuration options and instance metadata. The values from the metadata takes precedence over the server config. If the plenty of options don’t fit your needs you can provide your own ServiceInstanceConverter . |
When using Eureka, the healthCheckUrl known to Eureka is used for health-checking, which can be set on your client using eureka.instance.healthCheckUrl . |
Key | Value | Default value |
user.name |
Credentials being used to access the endpoints. |
management.scheme |
The scheme is substituted in the service URL and will be used for accessing the actuator endpoints. |
management.address |
The address is substituted in the service URL and will be used for accessing the actuator endpoints. |
management.port |
The port is substituted in the service URL and will be used for accessing the actuator endpoints. |
management.context-path |
The path is appended to the service URL and will be used for accessing the actuator endpoints. |
health.path |
The path is appended to the service URL and will be used for the health-checking. Ignored by the |
Property name | Description | Default value |
spring.boot.admin.discovery.enabled |
Enables the DiscoveryClient-support for the admin server. |
spring.boot.admin.discovery.converter.management-context-path |
Will be appended to the service-url of the discovered service when the management-url is converted by the |
spring.boot.admin.discovery.converter.health-endpoint-path |
Will be appended to the management-url of the discovered service when the health-url is converted by the |
spring.boot.admin.discovery.ignored-services |
This services will be ignored when using discovery and not registered as application. Supports simple patterns (e.g. "foo*", "*bar", "foo*bar*"). |
spring.boot.admin.discovery.services |
This services will be included when using discovery and registered as application. Supports simple patterns (e.g. "foo*", "*bar", "foo*bar*"). |
spring.boot.admin.discovery.ignored-instances-metadata |
Instances of services will be ignored if they contain at least one metadata item that matches this list. (e.g. "discoverable=false") |
spring.boot.admin.discovery.instances-metadata |
Instances of services will be included if they contain at least one metadata item that matches this list. (e.g. "discoverable=true") |
If you are deploying your applications to CloudFoundry then vcap.application.application_id
and vcap.application.instance_index
must be added to the metadata for proper registration of applications with Spring Boot Admin Server. Here is a sample configuration for Eureka:
hostname: ${vcap.application.uris[0]}
nonSecurePort: 80
applicationId: ${vcap.application.application_id}
instanceId: ${vcap.application.instance_index}
Spring Boot Admin Server supports cluster replication via Hazelcast. It is automatically enabled when a HazelcastConfig
- or HazelcastInstance
-Bean is present. You can also configure the Hazelcast instance to be persistent, to keep the status over restarts. Also have a look at the Spring Boot support for Hazelcast.
Add Hazelcast to your dependencies:
pom.xml<dependency> <groupId>com.hazelcast</groupId> <artifactId>hazelcast</artifactId> </dependency>
Instantiate a HazelcastConfig:
@Bean public Config hazelcastConfig() { // This map is used to store the events. // It should be configured to reliably hold all the data, // Spring Boot Admin will compact the events, if there are too many MapConfig eventStoreMap = new MapConfig(DEFAULT_NAME_EVENT_STORE_MAP).setInMemoryFormat(InMemoryFormat.OBJECT) .setBackupCount(1) .setMergePolicyConfig(new MergePolicyConfig(PutIfAbsentMergePolicy.class.getName(), 100)); // This map is used to deduplicate the notifications. // If data in this map gets lost it should not be a big issue as it will atmost // lead to // the same notification to be sent by multiple instances MapConfig sentNotificationsMap = new MapConfig(DEFAULT_NAME_SENT_NOTIFICATIONS_MAP) .setInMemoryFormat(InMemoryFormat.OBJECT) .setBackupCount(1) .setEvictionConfig( new EvictionConfig().setEvictionPolicy(EvictionPolicy.LRU).setMaxSizePolicy(MaxSizePolicy.PER_NODE)) .setMergePolicyConfig(new MergePolicyConfig(PutIfAbsentMergePolicy.class.getName(), 100)); Config config = new Config(); config.addMapConfig(eventStoreMap); config.addMapConfig(sentNotificationsMap); config.setProperty("hazelcast.jmx", "true"); // WARNING: This setups a local cluster, you change it to fit your needs. config.getNetworkConfig().getJoin().getMulticastConfig().setEnabled(false); TcpIpConfig tcpIpConfig = config.getNetworkConfig().getJoin().getTcpIpConfig(); tcpIpConfig.setEnabled(true); tcpIpConfig.setMembers(singletonList("")); return config; }
Property name | Description | Default value |
spring.boot.admin.hazelcast.enabled |
Enables the Hazelcast support |
spring.boot.admin.hazelcast.event-store |
Name of the Hazelcast-map to store the events |
spring.boot.admin.hazelcast.sent-notifications |
Name of the Hazelcast-map used to deduplicate the notifications. |